Bradford Huber

Bradford Huber is a Logan, Utah native, however he now lives in Orem, Utah with his young family. After working with Chiropractors in his journey as a marketer, Bradford noticed a need in the industry. He learned that Chiropractor's had a powerful message to share, but often time's struggled to get their message across effectively and consistently bring in new patients.

Bradford also noticed that many Chiropractor's have been burned by Marketing Agencies in the past, and wanted to create an agency that did things right - thus PractorPatients was born.

Michael Warr

Native to Spokane, Washington, Michael Warr found his way into digital marketing in an interesting way. After producing music when he was younger, Michael learned that he loved to create and build.

Michael worked at a business to business sales job in college, where he sold advertising, but he found that many of his clients needed websites. He began to learn how to build website's on the side, and after years of experience has found quite the knack for it!

Austin Lee

Austin Lee is our newest hire at PractorPatients! He claims Raleigh, North Carolina as home but is now working at PractorPatients in Provo, Utah while going to school at BYU. Austin love's people. He has worked as a personal coach, teacher, and trainer in the past. Austin is an exciting addition to our team at PractorPatients.


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CA 89104, USA

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